
HB Flower Dress is out!


Hello SMW Readers [:

Sorry for my recent lack of posting--I have just been real busy with school. Just been logging on to check messages, tbh. Yesterday, I had an English exam. I was so happy with it as the questions were Manchester United related!! (Well, one was :D) Then I got my Manchester United top today!! Click here to see some pics :)

Anyways...on to the pixelated home of Stardoll. Thanks to anaKonda, aliciousss and niamh.7 for letting us know. The hotbuys dress is out, and I really, REALLY hate it. The design is as ugly as hell and all...Also, for something this rubbish, it's at a very hefty price of $26sd! The only thing I like is the flower-belt, and I think it would have looked better as one simple dress with the belt in the middle...the real life version as a jumpsuit looked better imo...

RL Version [originally jumpsuit] by Marc Jacobs.

PS: I know I said the hotbuys dress poll'd be up by Wed, but been so busy so I PROMISE it'll be up by Saturday :)


Ruth's [again!] doing a poll :)

1. Create an awesome outfit.
2. Post the link in comments.
3. Ensure you're a public follower & have signed with your Blogger!!

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