
This Week's Free Stuff

Not that much free items have been made this week, most are the usual nothing special but few are maybe worth to get - see by yourself [:

Free Sunglasses

For ALL (it's a glitch, might not work later), Log in and Enter this contest -

 Free Flower Dress (till 22.04)
For Greece,
Log in and Enter this contest -
Not from Greece, Log in and Visit this page: 

Free Necklace (till 22.04)
For Sweden, Log in and Enter this contest -
Not from Sweden but want it? Read how to get it HERE

Free Silver Shoes (till 16.04)

For Poland,
Log in and Enter this contest -
Not from Poland but want them? Read how to get them HERE

Free MH Book
For USA,
Log in and Visit this page -
Not from USA but want it? Read how to get it HERE

Free Bracelet (till 20.04)
For Denmark,
Log in and Enter this contest -
Not from Denmark but want it? Read how to get it HERE

Free Superstar Purse (till 18.04)
For Denmark SS users,
Log in and Enter this contest -
Not from Denmark but are Superstar and want it? Read how to get it HERE

Free TWTWB Map
For UK,
Log in and you have it
Not from UK but want it? Read how to get it HERE

 Free TWTWB Top, Trousers, Belt and Boots 
1)Write/Copy this whole link in your URL/link bar:♥
2)And paste your User ID number instead the ♥

3)Register to that club and Click on To receive your free Tomorrow When the War Began gift, CLICK HERE>>

Not enough information? Read how to get them HERE

Free Ballon Skirt (till 13.04)
For Brazil,
Log in and Enter this contest -

 Free Boomerang Dress
For Brazil,
Log in and Visit this campaign -

Have a great weekend [:

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