
Pet-a-Porter kittens have started to grow up

Yes, unfortunately (or fortunately - it's up to you) Pet-a-Porter kittens have changed their look, started to grow up. So if you had one go and fix your suite, they all have become bigger and some are a little moved. (All my pet room is messed :/) Oh well...
 Today, few hours before it happened stardoll sent us all (the owners of at least one of kitties) a message and free cat bag like on shop [:
So here you can see how kittens look now and before:
 I think some of them have become even more prettier, cuter ^^
But few... well I liked them smaller more.

Probably very soon also puppies will start to transform....

Are you happy to see these pets growing up?
Are you excited to see what till they look later on?
Which kitten had the best make-over?
(I personally think it's Maine Coon kitty)

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