


Hello everyone! Im Shayan, and I came up with an idea for a segment and Jenna approved so here is my introductory post!<3 I'm a 13 year old boy, and photography/blogging are my loves (along with criminal minds, of course):D But that's not all that important, I need to tell you more about the segment. Well, the segment we're going to have is called: FUG-TO-FIERCE, and I'll basically be showing how to work hard-to-wear/traditionally ugly fashion pieces from the starplazza! It'll be a weekly segment, featuring a different featured piece of clothing each week. And once I show you my style guide for the item, you all can to show me your take on it!
All you have to do is just take a screen print of you wearing the item & put it in the comments, the person who wore it best/winner will be featured in the next post.
So far there are no stardollar prizes/items involved, but who knows what might happen (;

The first Item to be featured on FUG-TO-FIERCE will be the *drum roll please*

This in my opinion, is a beautiful piece! But stardollians tend to shy away from these pants, thinking they're too overwhelming or they simply have nothing to wear or have no clue what to wear with it. The sad thing is that it's SS! D:
So i'll be here how to show you how to rock these pants!
One rule to always keep in mind when wearing such voluminous trousers is to make sure nothing else is TOO BAGGY!Then it would end up looking like pyjamas, and no one really wants to look like that wearing such sophisticated pants!
I'll show you a few ways to wear it, then its your turn to show me how you wear it ^.^
Way 1: A fun, city chic look;

I love this look, the simplicity is golden and it really lets the pants shine. The pop of color adds an air of fun, and if you wore this down town you'd for sure get noticed. The color comes in the shoulder pad blazer from Bisou and the green Miss Sixty shoes. I kept it simple with muted top, a rose on the collar and a classic chanel bag wraps it all up.
Way 2: A classy resort look;

This look is pretty monochromatic; but its striking nonetheless. The white Candies blouse & jacket look so effortless when layered on one another. The shoes keep it simple and the flowy PPQ bolero defines the look.
In this look; I chose to have the makeup stand out more. The red lips are lovely on a simple canvas.

Ok, there you guys go! I've shown you guys two ways on how to wear it. I really hope I changed your view on these pants; and I hope I got you guys to go out of your style shell.

Now, we're turning the tables :D. I want to see how y'all rock these pants, so make an outfit with them, screen print it and post the link the comments!

Comment with any questions, constructive criticism, etc.

Thanks so much

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