
Horse High


Hello everyone, I'm the new writer on SMW. My name is Ana Beatriz and my Stardoll name is kitty_power5. I live in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and I'm 15 years old.
I love fashion and writing and that's why I will be writing on this blog. I will give you fashion tips and some make up tutorials. If you have any questions be sure to ask me!
Today I wrote an article about HORSE HIGH.

There was an article in VOGUE about Charlotte Casiraghi, a very famous show jumping star who belongs to Monaco's royalty. The article was about her and her style, her elegance while riding. So, I'm here to help you to reach that style on Stardoll.
It's all about elegance and power. Horse Riding is a sport that obligates us to have a good position, always very straight on the horse. And to be a good horse rider you need to have strength and confidence.
This is the lead of the VOGUE's article:

"Monaco blue blood Charlotte Casiraghi is a rising star of show jumping and a champion of sustainable fashion."

Charlotte wearing a Gucci Special Collection (for herself)

Gucci customized boots

I did this little graphics with a style inspired by Horse High. It's a very elegant style, which expresses power, but, at the same time, warmth. The clothes are always with dark colors (except the white) and it brings elegance, specially when you are riding.
I've also created a make up inspired in Horse High.

What do you think of it? Do you do horse riding? Leave your comment!

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