
SFW Takeover: And the moment you've all been waiting for!!

We haven't forgotten! SFW starts today, and we're kicking off the amazing fashion bonanza by releasing our INCREDIBLE Starbazaar collections! We found some incredible talent in our little world, with a whole range of styles to suit all tastes. Here are your latest design fixes:
- kxcatarinaxk with an incredible line of Moroccan and Asian inspired prints
- sparklewand12 with some beautiful floral pastel patterns
- catlover103 with some fabulous grungy plaid styles
- hay_lin75 with gorgeous kaleidescope inspired couture work
...and of course...
- .Marcela.. with some amazing candy chic pieces!
They each created 5 stunning prints, and one will be available each week! So for 5 weeks, you have amazing designs coming to you. Better go root behind the sofa for some extra cash.. you're gonna want it!

And now, what you've all been waiting for... every night from Tuesday until Sunday there will be a party celebrating the release of some amazing fashion lines. So, moment of truth...

Remember now, you still have until Saturday to enter our Scenery competition [entries in to Psychotic-Freak] and our lottery [buy the designs from FashionWeekSD], our designer's first designs are available until sunday, look at State of Fashion for the reviews, Elite Fashion for the best dressed and check back here daily for our SFW Takeover!

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